Needs Assessments
Many charity and non-profit association Boards of Directors are not clear on the model they would like to adopt for their organizational management and leadership.  Without a defined direction and a focused analysis of expectations, many charities and non-profit corporations fail within the first year of operation. 
the Association Management company assists organizations in instituting key initiatives for success.  But most important in this exercise, we support the Board of Directors and stakeholders in establishing clear Core Values, Mission and Vision in order to outline goals and objectives. 

Interim Executive Director Services
Do you have a position to fill but require someone right now to step in and manage your association in the interim?
We have over 20 years of experience in senior management positions in the not-for-profit sector for charities, professional and trade associations.  Should you require assistance at any time, we are available to step in during a transitional period to assist while you conduct a formal search for a new Executive Director or Senior Staff Officer.   This gives you an opportunity to take time to decide how you wish to staff your organization.

Board Governance Review
Do you operate as a high performance organization?
Does your Board of Directors feel in touch and aware?
Are your bylaws and your policies/procedures aligned?
Are meetings well managed and well attended?

Board and Staff Orientation Sessions
Each year the Board of Directors is advised to include an external Board Orientation Session for current and incoming Board members.  This session is a review of the Guiding Documents of the Association, the Board manual including minutes of meetings, bylaws, strategic planning, policies documents and legislation pertaining to the oversight of the organization.
Our team is experienced in the area of governance of non-profit associations and is in step with risk management and best practices in the organizational responsibilities of non-profit Boards of Directors. 

In guiding Boards in the use of the modified and current model of policy board governance, the Association Management company helps organizations avoid risk and supports the strategic direction of Board leadership and operations.

Organizational Reviews
Are you operating in a fiscally responsible way?
Are your processes effective?
Do you make the most of the resources and processes available to you?
Is your technology adequate and effective?

An Organizational Review would reveal any shortfalls and provide recommendations for improvement to systems and processes.  It would also provide a benchmark for your association in relation to other associations.